Friday, December 19, 2008

Why Cannon Ball Sprint?

I'm Cannon Ball because I'm a big shot. Duh. Not just because I am in my own mind... I'm the shot... the ONLY shot in my mind. It just so happens that I have a reasonable amount of influence within my family, circle of friends, and university. I also have some fairly unique opinions that make people gasp, laugh, think and sometimes tear up. Maybe my friends are teaching me a lesson by convincing me that people will actually be interested in what I have to say, when I'm just a jerk with a Napoleon complex.

We'll see won't we?

So... the meaning of Cannon Ball Sprint... It's obviously influenced by the nickname. Cannon Ball Run was taken, and now that I have sprint, seems like the better choice ANYWAY. It describes the race of ideas I run through... excuse me... sprint through in the span of seconds to formulate some a-hole or insightful thing to piss off or impress the people I interact with. It's about time I expand on these things to see if I get the same reactions on the web.

I had a blog called Musings of a Lovable A-Hole, but I deleted that. It's the same premise, but the delivery was all wrong. Well, it wasn't much of a blog since I didn't really post anything... so I guess I can't have any qualms with the delivery. Since I'm on winter break from the hell that is college, I figured I'd give it another try.

Join me. Please? It's awful running... sprinting alone. And it would really upset my friends. The hating a** little shots that they are.


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