Thursday, January 8, 2009

Israel & Hamas are Trully Gangster

I've always thought that Israel was one of the G nation-states in the world. After all, they managed to defeat Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 6 days. Those three states were also supported by arms and supplies from Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria by the way. Sooo this one state manage to G most of the Middle East in less than a week... Word?

I'm not sleeping on the Palestinians either, they are the most G stateless-nation in the world. These people have been fighting for their own government, and fighting the Israeli government, for decades. With every new generation, an intifada begins with young Palestinian men and women hoping to achieve a dream their parents and grandparents had. You would think they would just move. Plus, their style (the kuffiyeh) is being copied by people and niggas everywhere.

In case you didn't know, Israel launched an attack against Hamas on December 27 last year, which is possible because you have been sleeping off the Christmas dinner itis. A six-month truce between Hamas and Israel ended on December 19. Hamas blamed Israel for breaching the truce and for not lifting the Gaza Strip blockade, and Israel blamed Hamas for rocket fire directed at southern Israeli towns and communities. Israel's stated objectives in this conflict are to end Palestinian rocket fire and prevent the rearming of Hamas. Hamas demands the cessation of Israeli attacks and an end to the Israeli blockade.

In any case, they have been getting in each other's *ss with no sign of pulling out. Israel is packing the bigger stick though (if you know what I mean. Casualty figures are hard to prove, but officials at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and the Gazan Ministry of Health said 683 Palestinians had died since the conflict began, including 218 children and 90 women. They said 3,085 had been wounded. Ten Israelis have been killed during the offensive, including three civilians. Most of the seven dead Israeli soldiers were killed in so-called friendly fire.

Israeli soldiers chillin' for 3 hours before they get back in that *ss.

On Wednesday January 7 alone, Israeli shells killed some 40 people at a United Nations school in Gaza. Israel said Hamas militants had fired mortar shells from the school compound prior to Israel’s shelling. No one seemed to be injured however. Hm.

However, according to the New York Times, Israel and Hamas militants paused their fighting briefly on Wednesday, "Israel suspended its military operations in Gaza for three hours on Wednesday to allow humanitarian aid and fuel for power generation to reach Gazans, who used the afternoon break to shop."

Whoa... shop? For glocks and AK's, these mugs are dealing with mortar shells and rockets! I would be trying to get my butt out of the area. I'll swim the damn Meditteranean to head to Egypt. Or dig a hole deep enough to hide in for a few weeks. But nooo, these people are stocking up for the long haul.

Unfortunately the lobsided battle resumed soon afterward, "In the evening, the Israeli Army dropped leaflets warning the citizens of Rafah, next to the border with Egypt, to leave their homes." How polite of them. Israel has been bombing the tunnel networks through which arms and consumer goods are smuggled from Egypt into Gaza. Hamas on the other hand fired 22 rockets into Israel, but no one was wounded.

The Israeli government said it welcomed the efforts of France and Egypt to work out a durable cease-fire. It said it would end its assault if Hamas stopped firing rockets into Israel and ended the smuggling of weapons from Egypt. Hamas is insisting that any new arrangement include the reopening of border crossings for trade with Israel and the reopening of the Rafah crossing into Egypt for people. But Israeli and Hamas officials both denied an assertion by the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, that a cease-fire had been agreed upon.

Let's hope a peaceful resolution is found, there's only so much a G can take... stateless or state(ful).

For more info, visit: Israel Resumes Attack After Pause for Aid Delivery


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